CP Editor
by CP Editor

CATCHPLAY+ is partnering with KOKO Entertainment to present a groundbreaking short-form Taiwanese drama, "Urban Horror". This series brings together a stellar cast of 78 actors, including Golden Horse and Golden Bell Award winners, to deliver "horror stories without ghosts". Comprised of 34 very short episodes across six major units, the series explores the subtle and unsettling fears lurking in urban daily life. Premiering exclusively on the CATCHPLAY+ streaming platform this summer, "Urban Horror" will release one episode each day, aiming to become a daily essential for viewers. The impressive cast includes Ann Hsu, Austin Lin, Ivy Shao, Meng-po Fu andn many more. The recently revealed teaser features actors' names in twisted, eerie handwriting against a blood-stained cityscape, sparking interest and anticipation among fans.

都市懼集 Urban Horror

Jayde Lin, CEO of KOKO Entertainment and producer of the series, remarked, "When COSPM introduced the concept of 'Urban Horror' three years ago, we were immediately intrigued. KOKO Entertainment has invested significant resources and spent two years collaborating with the team to create this short-form series, aligned with current market trends. This innovative Taiwanese drama presents indescribable urban horror and malice in short segments. Familiar daily scenes evoke intense fear upon closer reflection."

都市懼集 Urban Horror

Daphne Yang, CEO of CATCHPLAY, added, "We are delighted to pioneer a new format of Taiwanese drama with 'Urban Horror', releasing one episode per day. We hope to gradually release the fears and anxieties from our experiences or subconscious, creating a shared connection with the audience, and even achieving a collective healing effect. This short-form content also aligns better with modern viewing habits."

都市懼集 Urban Horror

The creative team behind "Urban Horror" spent over two years developing the series, visiting numerous fear-inducing locations. Through concise storytelling, they depict the lurking dark malice in the indifferent city, confronting human fears. Each episode includes spine-chilling moments and resonates deeply, making it a daily must-watch horror series.

都市懼集 Urban Horror

Ann Hsu, starring in the "Public Transport" unit, reveals that the terrifying scenarios are situations we all encounter in daily life. Austin Lin, appearing in the "Nightlife" unit, describes the script as eerie and hair-raising. Ivy Shao, in the "Apartment" unit, mentions a relatable sense of fear, while Meng-po Fu, featured in the "Office Building" unit, describes an atmosphere that is both bizarre and eerie. Esther Liu, in the "Accommodation" unit, finds the stories highly relatable, and River Huang, appearing in the "Shopping District" unit, notes the strong connection between the stories and everyday life.

都市懼集 Urban Horror

The production team COSPM, nominated for six awards at the 56th Golden Bell Awards, originated the "Urban Horror" concept. Producer Yu-Ting Lai shared that many of the stories are based on her experiences and those of her friends. Initially struggling to adapt to urban life, traffic, and indifference in Taipei, she collaborated with the writing and directing team to transform these feelings of fear into "Urban Horror". The series explores the terrifying aspects of human nature and the eerie facets of urban life, addressing profound fears that modern people feel but have not yet fully recognised.

都市懼集 Urban Horror

"Urban Horror" consists of 34 very short stories grouped into six major units, featuring award-winning actors and numerous popular stars. It presents six urban scenarios imbued with hidden fears, including "Public Transport", "Nightlife," "Apartment", "Office Building", "Shopping District", and "Accommodation". The series takes viewers into the unsettling unknowns of daily life, depicting the malicious intents lurking in the seemingly mundane aspects of urban existence. Each episode explores the core of subtle and profound fears, revealing that terrifying events can occur at any time in everyday settings.

Where to watch "Urban Horror"? Stay tuned for its exclusive launch on the CATCHPLAY+ streaming platform this summer!

都市懼集 Urban Horror