by Lash

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While our favourite superheroes crumbled into ash in Avengers: Infinity War, they’ve been resurrected as magnificent sand sculptures on Siloso Beach in Sentosa.

The Sentosa Sandsation: MARVEL Edition in Sentosa spans almost 3,000 square metres and features 15 imposing and impressive larger-than-life sand sculptures of our beloved Marvel superheroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Black Panther and more. There’s even a sculpture of Thor’s homeland, Asgaard.

Open from 1 to 16 September, the sand exhibits were sculpted by internationally-acclaimed sand sculptor, Tan Joo Heng and his international team of sculptors. Tan is a Singaporean sculptor extraordinaire who’s been labelled as “Vincent Sand Gogh” by the Daily Mail publication. His sand-sational works of art have won him international awards.

Here’s a first look at some of the pieces sculpted by sand sculptors from countries like Australia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, France, Ireland and more.


Iron Man

Captain America

Guardians of the Galaxy

Doctor Strange

Black Panther (front and back)

Thor and Asgaard


Black Widow

The Hulk


And of course, Thanos:

If looking at these make you have a craving for the Avengers, just enter our promotional code【Avengers18】to enjoy Avengers: Infinity War for free.

Avengers: Infinity War

Sign up now with us to redeem the code and you’re on your way to catch earth’s mightiest heroes fight the mad titan!

Note: The code is valid for new members who register after Aug. 23, and must be redeemed 10 days within registration. Click Watch Now on Avengers: Infinity War to redeem the promo code at checkout point. The code is valid from now till Sep 9th.